Call to Action

Fundraising, Visibility, Petition Campaign
– We produce tailored content for fundraising campaigns, petitions and implement dissemination strategies.

Man in woods

Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall is a project born at the turn of the fortieth anniversary of the earthquakes that brought the northern Italian town Gemona del Friuli to its knees in 1976. In the aftermath of the tragedy, the rural community of Friuli has rediscovered itself in solidarity, revealing itself never as before cohesive, and Gemona […]

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Flyer for the demonstration

We Break the Silence

Hornbach, a German DIY chain, and Heimat, an advertising agency, have created a tricky promotional campaign with a strong racist imprint at the expense of Asian women. The reaction didn’t take long to happen and generated the indignation of a committee that in a short time managed to collect the signatures necessary to remove the

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Three silver balloons say H E Y


Be P(Art) project connects a network of associations involved in theatre, street circus, subjects with special needs, hospitality, and figurative arts. Scuotidentro is a community-based multimedia campaign for Circolo Arci Scuotivento (Monza, Italy). It told the stories of those who orbit around the laboratories, with the purpose of building a community whose individuals reflect their

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Shoe store show window

Three Decades of Results

Un Ponte Per, an Italian-based humanitarian organization, operates in the Middle East and the Balkans for almost three decades. Its mission is to tackle wars and facilitate intercultural and interethnic dialogue through civil society and democratic practices. Location: Topic: War, Human Rights, Education, Inclusion, Civil Society Output: Partners & Sponsorships: Un Ponte Per Video The

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