Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall is a project born at the turn of the fortieth anniversary of the earthquakes that brought the northern Italian town Gemona del Friuli to its knees in 1976.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, the rural community of Friuli has rediscovered itself in solidarity, revealing itself never as before cohesive, and Gemona has become an international symbol of resilience. Thou, once the houses and walls have been rebuilt, the divisions that separate tiny fractions and push the individual into a new and contemporary state of isolation were reborn.
Through the spray cans of a street artist’s community, Gemona rediscovers memories and values which seemed to be faded away.




Natural Disaster, Community Work, Welfare


The short documentary was premiered in the local community of Gemona del Friuli, the town which was struck by the earthquake. The purpose of the film – and the related sociological research performed by the network of associations of the area -, was to challenge some of the stereotypes and labels the mainstream media stuck to the inhabitants of the land.

The research focused on some of the issues raised alongside the filming experience and helped the local community look back to those times and to each other, in order to foster cooperation on community issues, and encourage social welfare.

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